Life in an Indian Village
Letters from Jitvapur
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we meet two of the Untouchables - Binda Devi and her son Rodi Paswan; visit
a local development project where the government is trying to reform a band
of thieves by teaching them to make rugs; meet a couple of farmers; and learn
why the God Vishnu goes to sleep for six months.
1. Introduction
Monday morning, 7 AM at the Kali Temple in the mango grove
3. Binda Devi, Rodi Paswan (Dalits)
4. The Weavers of Raihyam
5. Tuesday morning, 11 AM: Sugdev Jha's Buffaloes
6. Ramjo Ram (Dalit Farmer)
7. Jivas Paswan, the toddy collector
8. Waking Vishnu in Surajdev Jha's compound
9. Program Credits